Our team is here for you
We want you to become thin(ner) in a healthy and natural way
All of us at 3Level Berlin and the alternative practitioners and doctors we work with are a team with a joint aim: We want you to become thin(ner) in a healthy and natural way. And that’s not all! Our goal is not only to help you reach your goal weight, but that you learn to love your body again, to find yourself again and that you can stay thin and still eat whatever you want.* Our #1 Level motto is: Losing weight is just the beginning – by achieving your goal weight, you’re just at the start of a holistic transformation.
*In the stabilization phase, you’ll learn how to maintain the weight you’ve reached, without giving up things you love.
We’re by your side
We motivate you and celebrate your successes
We often hear clients say, “I’ve already tried everything, and I’ve lost hope that I’ll ever reach (or maintain) my dream weight”. Our founder also had these thoughts: “My name is Suzana Stipic and I’m the director of the Berlin 3Level Weight Loss Center. I know how important it is for you to have a healthy body image, and 3Level can support you in that. If you’re wondering why you should choose us, we could give you 1000 great reasons – but here are the most important 5.”
Almost everyone on our team has struggled with weight loss themselves. We know how hard it can be. We know where the stumbling blocks are. And we know how to get you thin again.
For about 15 years, we worked with the wonderful method, Lipoweg – but then we decided to change our focus. Our focus now is that losing weight is just the beginning – it’s also about finding your self-love and liberation in all areas – where reasonable weight loss is the trigger for your transformation. Since basing our program in Berlin, we’ve helped so many people – loads of people – on this path of discovery.

The program works completely without exercise. As an added support, you’re welcome to exercise, but it isn’t a necessary part of the program’s weight loss journey.
Close-knit support and team spirit. It’s difficult to achieve and maintain healthy weight loss by yourself. We here to be your professional support, as well as your personal cheerleaders. We guide you on your path, motivate you and celebrate your successes.
Eat Again what you want
After successfully completing the first weight loss phase, you’re allowed to eat you want again. Together, we’ll experiment and find out what you like and how you can eat without gaining weight. If your weight fluctuates +-4 lbs, then you’ve learned to balance and to maintain your weight. We’ll give you tips and tricks on how you can manage your weight by yourself at any time.
3Level Mind-Balance-Set
We know that nowadays, the phrase “mindset” gets thrown around a lot. What we mean by a Mind-Balance-Set is: We support you in many different ways to help you align your attitude and your thoughts and to optimize them. This helps activate your self-healing powers, so you can discover a deep love for yourself, and to let go of everything holding you back in life.