The real slimming injection

proven to be effective, health-promoting and without side effects

Pillar 1 of the 3Level Program

Tasty, healthy food to benefit your metabolism

Pillar 2 of the 3Level Program

Homeopathic support to boost your metabolism

Pillar 3 of the 3Level Program

And extraordinary Balance-Mindset to stay slim (and centered within yourself)

Losing weight isn’t that difficult…

Just eat less and exercise more. Really?

How many times have we heard this sentence. From nutritionists, from doctors, from the family and from everyone who “meant well”. If it were really that simple, nobody in the world would be overweight. The good news: we can make your weight loss easy for you.

Our hope for you

You can reach your goal weight and find yourself (again).

Our aim is simple and yet also deeply profound: After every conversation, you should feel COMPLETELY YOURSELF. Centered, relieved, motivated and simply happy.

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Ines (50) -app. 47 lbs

in 10 weeks


3Level Weight Loss – How it works

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Level 1

Weight loss / Reset

First, your therapist will carry out an IST-analysis. After that, we’ll dive straight into the 3Level program. We activate your metabolism and tackle your body’s fat burning ability and a detox. This phase lasts 4 weeks and, based on experience, you will lose about 13-17 lbs.

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Level 2


You’ll learn to balance your relationship with food to stabilize your weight, so you won’t gain it back. This phase is a great period in which you can eat anything you want, little by little, without having to give up. This phase also lasts about 4 weeks.

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Level 3

Mindset and Anchoring

Now, we experiment with all that we’ve learned about your body and we’ll find out together what suits you. We show you how much fun your new eating habits can be. You’ll probably break out of your old thought patterns and learn to truly see and respect your body as your most valuable possession.

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How do we achieve this?

We activate your weight loss

With a simple nutrition plan and effective homeopathic support

Through motivation and developing your mindset

We use our 3Level principle to strengthen your awareness of your own body, support you in eating right, and fully understanding the root cause of your weight gain. This is all supported by tailored homeopathic support, to delve more deeply into your body and psyche.

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“It was never that I had uncontrolled or undisciplined eating patterns – on the contrary. I diligently counted calories and fats, could easily change my eating habits, exercised loads, and was always active outdoors when riding horses. But unfortunately, I discovered that menopause can really throw a wrench in the works. I just couldn’t shift the weight, or if I did, it was minimal. I found out about 3Level through a Facebook group. After trying so many things already, I really had nothing to lose. And, lo and behold, boom – the pounds just fell away. I’ve always been a fan of natural remedies, so it wasn’t a big change or restriction. The wholly human and straightforward support I received did me a world of good. Thank you, 3Level, for this new sense of body positivity.”

Angelica N.

10 weeks – app. 48.5 lbs

“Like many women, menopause had me in its grip. Apart from that, I just love to eat😊. I once went to my salon, Ayhan Isik, in Berlin and was amazed at how easily my stylist had lost weight! I thought, “That’s what I want too.” The meal plan was very easy to stick to, even if you travel a lot for work, like I do. The first week was a bit of a challenge, as my body adjusted to the program, but after that it just ran smoothly. I overjoyed to have my old figure back – not just because of my health, but also because of my regained self-esteem. Thank you to the wonderful 3Level team.”

Birnur S.

6 weeks – app. 28 lbs

“It’s not that I never wanted to lose weight – I’d always start with good intentions and kept it off for a few days, or even weeks. Then I’d immediately put the weight back on again. I was just going in circles. Someone recommended the 3Level program to me and I wanted to find out more. Once I started, I was hooked – I weighed myself twice a week and saw that the weight kept going down. I thought, ‘It’s now or never – I’ll follow through with this until I’m at my dream weight’. And I did exactly what I said I would. Now that I’ve lost 93 lbs, I literally feel like I’ve been reborn. Dear 3Level team, thank you for listening, for your patience, for your motivation, for your comfort! You’ve given me back my old self!”

Robby K.

17 weeks – app. 93 lbs

“I was totally desperate because I just couldn’t lose weight. I counted points and calories, drank shakes, did interval fasting – but nothing seemed to help. I think that the medication I was on played a big factor in blocking my weight loss. Every woman knows this feeling: when you’re not at your ideal weight and your clothes don’t fit right, it drags you down real fast. I discovered the 3Level program on Instagram and it sounded different to the other ads. The people behind it were once overweight themselves. My program companion once said to me, “If you’re pacing in front of your fridge at 10pm, then no app is going to help you. But I will. Just text me on WhatsApp and we’ll fix it.” I felt really understood. So, I highly recommend 3Level. For me, this program changed so much more than just my weight.”

Ines E.

8 weeks – app. 47 lbs

What you get from us

Professional guidance

Our naturopaths and qualified physicians use our certified 3Level program and medically monitor your progress.

Personal support

Your therapist is always at your side! With expertise and compassion, your therapist is there for you and supports you in reaching your goals.

Expert knowledge

Targeted knowledge based on personal weight loss experience and from years of supporting our clients.


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Optimal support through close-knit support and uplifting team spirit. Achieving and maintaining healthy weight loss is difficult on your own. That’s why we’re by your side, as your professional companion and personal cheerleader. We guide you on your patt, motivate you and celebrate all your successes with you.


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