

Discover the power of the 3Level program.

“I still can’t believe it.”


5 Monate-ca. 25 Kg

“I was on vacation at the North Sea with my daughter and she took a photo of me. I was downright shocked! Of course I knew that my slim figure was gone, but I wasn’t aware that I looked like that. That was also the time when I didn’t want to go on like this. I signed up to Weight Watchers and lasted just 3 weeks, I was so fed up with counting points. A customer in the salon then told me about 3Level and, as life would have it, it was very close to me. I met with Suzana and immediately felt understood. I didn’t want to wait another day, so I started straight away. I was suspicious of how quickly my kilos tumbled, but I was fine. I was full of energy and fit. That’s why I went through the whole cure and the results are really impressive 🙂 And the best thing is: I’ve been keeping my weight off for months, sometimes up kilos, sometimes down kilos but no more. I am very grateful for 3Level and can highly recommend it to everyone!”

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Robby K.

17 weeks - app. 93 lbs

“It’s not that I never wanted to lose weight – I’d always start with good intentions and kept it off for a few days, or even weeks. Then I’d immediately put the weight back on again. I was just going in circles. Someone recommended the 3Level program to me and I wanted to find out more. Once I started, I was hooked – I weighed myself twice a week and saw that the weight kept going down. I thought, ‘It’s now or never – I’ll follow through with this until I’m at my dream weight’. And I did exactly what I said I would. Now that I’ve lost 93 lbs, I literally feel like I’ve been reborn. Dear 3Level team, thank you for listening, for your patience, for your motivation, for your comfort! You’ve given me back my old self!”


Ines E.

8 weeks - app. 47 lbs

“I was totally desperate because I just couldn’t lose weight. I counted points and calories, drank shakes, did interval fasting – but nothing seemed to help. I think that the medication I was on played a big factor in blocking my weight loss. Every woman knows this feeling: when you’re not at your ideal weight and your clothes don’t fit right, it drags you down real fast. I discovered the 3Level program on Instagram and it sounded different to the other ads. The people behind it were once overweight themselves. My program companion once said to me, “If you’re pacing in front of your fridge at 10pm, then no app is going to help you. But I will. Just text me on WhatsApp and we’ll fix it.” I felt really understood. So, I highly recommend 3Level. For me, this program changed so much more than just my weight.”


“I’m overjoyed to have my old figure back.”

Angelica N.

10 weeks - app. 48.5 lbs

“It was never that I had uncontrolled or undisciplined eating patterns – on the contrary. I diligently counted calories and fats, could easily change my eating habits, exercised loads, and was always active outdoors when riding horses. But unfortunately, I discovered that menopause can really throw a wrench in the works. I just couldn’t shift the weight, or if I did, it was minimal. I found out about 3Level through a Facebook group. After trying so many things already, I really had nothing to lose. And, lo and behold, boom – the pounds just fell away. I’ve always been a fan of natural remedies, so it wasn’t a big change or restriction. The wholly human and straightforward support I received did me a world of good. Thank you, 3Level, for this new sense of body positivity.”

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Birnur S.

6 weeks – app. 28 lbs

“Like many women, menopause had me in its grip. Apart from that, I just love to eat😊. I once went to my salon, Ayhan Isik, in Berlin and was amazed at how easily my stylist had lost weight! I thought, “That’s what I want too.” The meal plan was very easy to stick to, even if you travel a lot for work, like I do. The first week was a bit of a challenge, as my body adjusted to the program, but after that it just ran smoothly. I overjoyed to have my old figure back – not just because of my health, but also because of my regained self-esteem. Thank you to the wonderful 3Level team.”

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A somewhat different testimonial

Dajana R. – 1 hour, 0 lbs
molllige frau mit balken über den augen

“I see testimonials by women who have lost a lot of weight – so I believe it’s even more important to share my story and report on the great response from 3Level.

I was always a chubby child, and that didn’t change over the years. I starved myself down to a size 10 for my wedding, but then immediately gained it all back afterwards. I actually felt comfortable in my skin – I didn’t necessarily want to be thinner. It was always others who thought I did – my parents, husband, friends, doctors. So I kept giving in to the pressure of trying to lose weight. But each time I tried, I just kept gaining it all back. That’s what frustrated me the most – this eternal (unwanted) struggle with the pounds. 

So, my husband found me the address of 3Level and I went because he wanted to – and because I thought I wanted it too. I sat there with Suzana from 3Level and told her about myself: about my struggles, about the pressure of my environment – until she interrupted me: “Hey, I’m sorry, but we’re not going to offer you treatment. You don’t really want to lose weight. And you shouldn’t either.” I was shocked and a bit pissed off – I felt a bit like, “Who does she think she is?”. But I realized that she was just holding up a mirror for me to truly see myself.

She said, “You’re perfect as you are. You are healthy, you look great, the weight suits you. That is how your body is made. And you’re happy with yourself until others tell you that you shouldn’t be.” It was such a revelation to me and such a relief that she understood and saw inside of me so well. And I’m incredibly grateful to 3Level that they weren’t just trying to talk me into their program for some quick cash. Instead, they did me a huge favor by acknowledging (and also being honest with me) that I am perfect the way I am. I sobbed snot and tears in that clinic until I felt unburdened. This was the spark I needed to set boundaries in my life and to be who I am, no matter what. So, I did that, and now suddenly everyone leaves me alone😊 That’s what I call getting the right support to lose weight:) I am very, very happy with being a size 18. The conversation at 3Level was the best time investment of my life – thank you SO much for your honesty!”